Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cursed. Corp has been formed!

     Well, I'm sure you all saw it coming. The corp "Cursed." has been formed, and is accepting members of ALL walks of life. We need PVP pilots for roams, pvp, mission running, war decing, griefing and all that other good PVP fun. We need miners to suck the belts dry for those precious ores and maxed out refining pilots to get the highest outcome of minerals from them. We need Indy pilots for hauling, PI, Cap building & ship, fitting building in general. Researchers to get us better yields from BPC's and BPO's. Like i said, we need EVERYONE! So please, if your looking for a corp, or not liking the corp your in feel free to drop me a line ingame via. Convo or eveMail. Also, the rumor mill has it that we are working on joining Fatal Ascension!

Fly safe,
Cursed. C.E.O.
Ashleigh Evans

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