Monday, January 9, 2012

Dual Armor Rep Hurricane

     Well, I don't want to say I've been struggling with level 3 missions, but every now and then I find myself having to warp out, dock and come back for more. So I thought maybe I could build something that could keep the armor  maxed and not have to bounce out on the action. I've uploaded my fit for this Hurricane to Battleclinic, so it's not like I'm hiding anything, and for those of you who can't view the website properly I'll give you the fit, so here it is; enjoy!

Dual Armor Rep Hurricane Level 3 Mission Runner

Hi Slots
425mm Autocannon II
425mm Autocannon II
425mm Autocannon II
425mm Autocannon II
425mm Autocannon II
425mm Autocannon II
'Arbalest' Standard Missile Launcher
'Arbalest' Standard Missile Launcher

Medium Slots
10MN Afterburner II
X5 Prototype Enervator
Cap Recharger II

Low Slots
Domination Medium Armor Repairer
Domination Medium Armor Repairer
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Damage Control II
Capacitor Power Relay II

Rig Slots
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

     Anyways, that's all I have for today't installment. I'm working out a shield build as well, I might upload it and post it to the blog out as well if it works out. So far with the shield build I've come up with it was able to tank a Raven and a Myrmidon at the same time lol. So I think I'm on the right path, maybe just a few more faction modules and it should be good. So until next time, fly safe!

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