Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Where there is Good; there is Bad

     Well, in a little search on Google I was trying to find some good ways to increase my corps standing. Why?; well several reasons. Higher LP gains, higher ISK gains, higher RP gains, higher status gains, lower taxes, better refining yields and I'm sure there are probably a couple more I forgot, such as setting up POS's in hisec. I stumbled across the Sell Orders discussion on the eve online forums, and I came across a capsulteer selling "custom corps". What is that? Basically, this man has MAX corp CEO skills, and MAX standings with all or most factions. Ok, so you're thinking; "Well, good for that guy!" No, it gets better. You give this man your desired corp name and ticker. He creates it, sits in the corp for a few days for all of his attributes and standings to take effect; you pay the man his named price and he makes you CEO. Wow, wish I would have known about this before. As sad as it is, it may mean disbanding Cursed.; but we aren't leaving, just going to be found under a different name, not a big deal. Unfortunately though, I'm in the Navy, and I'm on duty today. So tomorrow I'll do the right thing and talk it over with a  few of my key corp members and see what they think. If it's a go, I'll make a new blog for the corp and all of that. Also, I believe I will assume the title as CEO under my main toon, Zack Evans. But for now, that's all I have to say. I hope everyone has a wonderful night, fly safe!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Dual Armor Rep Hurricane

     Well, I don't want to say I've been struggling with level 3 missions, but every now and then I find myself having to warp out, dock and come back for more. So I thought maybe I could build something that could keep the armor  maxed and not have to bounce out on the action. I've uploaded my fit for this Hurricane to Battleclinic, so it's not like I'm hiding anything, and for those of you who can't view the website properly I'll give you the fit, so here it is; enjoy!

Dual Armor Rep Hurricane Level 3 Mission Runner

Hi Slots
425mm Autocannon II
425mm Autocannon II
425mm Autocannon II
425mm Autocannon II
425mm Autocannon II
425mm Autocannon II
'Arbalest' Standard Missile Launcher
'Arbalest' Standard Missile Launcher

Medium Slots
10MN Afterburner II
X5 Prototype Enervator
Cap Recharger II

Low Slots
Domination Medium Armor Repairer
Domination Medium Armor Repairer
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Damage Control II
Capacitor Power Relay II

Rig Slots
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

     Anyways, that's all I have for today't installment. I'm working out a shield build as well, I might upload it and post it to the blog out as well if it works out. So far with the shield build I've come up with it was able to tank a Raven and a Myrmidon at the same time lol. So I think I'm on the right path, maybe just a few more faction modules and it should be good. So until next time, fly safe!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Lesson on Station Trading

     Good evening, tonight I'm going to cover a topic I hold dear to my heart; and that is Station Trading. I like to consider myself a station trading Guru. So, I've been helping one of my corp members begin his journey on becoming a Eve Billionare. I'm not going to fully give away a secret, but I won't leave it to hard to figure out. In New Eden there are hundreds, hell thousands of items you can find at your local major trade hub that you can buy & sell for a substantial profit. Today's item I pointed out after a 30 second search was a probe. I'm not going to tell you exactly which one, but I will tell you it was a probe. The buy orders were going for 250,000 ISK, and the sell orders were going for 348,000 ISK. So, lets do some quick math. That is a 148,000 ISK profit right there for everyone you buy and sell at those current prices. Now, I don't know what everyone's skills are so we will take a little cut out and make the profit only 140,000 ISK each. The capital we are going to use is 200,000,000 ISK. Which is what the corp member had on hand. With 200,000,000 ISK after broker fees, etc. You can buy 800. Take out the taxes and fees, and we'll go with a safe number, let's make it 780. Now lets take out amount of probes bought, and multiply it by our profit per item sold. So that's going to be 780 x 140,000 ISK. That comes out to a grand total of 109,200,000 ISK. That's over 50% of what you started off with. Granted, it might take a full day to complete all these transaction, maybe even two days; but guess what, you just made 109,200,000 ISK with less than a few hours of actually playing eve. Now imagine if you did that every day or two. I'll go with 2 days, that comes out to 1,638,000,000 ISK. That's enough to bag a PLEX; and still have over 1,150,000,000 ISK left over in a month. You could do that every month of the year, never pay a subscription fee; and purchase a second account or toon from the character bazaar and have a blast. Anyways, in conclusion. When I started off trading, I found a lot of guides that were helpful, but never really gave me any items to start trading, and never gave me any real numbers to wrap my mind around. I hope everyone enjoyed reading this, and hopefully this makes a few more billionaires in New Eden. Good night capsulteers.

Fly safe!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Mission Running

     Good evening, and welcome to another post from Cursed., today we will be talking a little bit about Mission Running. Lets start off with, what is mission running? Mission running is the act of completing "missions" given to you by NPC agents located at station found all around New Eden. Now onto, why would I want to run missions? Well there are several reasons that come to mind. First of all, what Eve revolves around, ISK. Secondly, LP which can be traded in for faction fittings, implants, ships, BPCs and various other things. Most important to myself as a corp CEO, corp and personal standings which give you access to higher level missions which in turn mean more LP and ISK. In my eyes that pretty much sums up mission running in my eyes without going to far into detail. So until our next installment have live long, prosper & fly safe!

Comms Established.

     Good morning capsulteers, Cursed. officially has a dedicated Mumble server for corp members to use. Also, it is open to the public. If you need the connection info you can check the corp bulletins or you can join the corp's public chat channel at "Cursed Blog". That's all for now, everyone have a great day and fly safe!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Heat in Jita

     Good evening capsulteers. Let's get this started, so here I am, minding my own business doing the usual sitting in Jita. I figured I would launch my Arbitrator and scan some cargoholds and look for some suicide ganking victims. Not much out, tons of indys packed with worthless things, charons with 1 caldari shuttle inside, I mean wtf lol omg smiley face? So along comes a new promising Cursed. pilot by the name of Desimus Maximus. He is flying a thrasher, but I was in the middle of docking. Next, I launch, fleet up with him, and he is now in a Rifter. He is burning towards a Punisher for a duel. I target the both of them to watch how close the battle gets. Desimus Maximus barely lost to the oppponent, little did I know Desimus Maximus was using a not so cookie-cutter T1 Rifter, and the opponents Punisher was fully T2. After the duel was over, and Desimus Maximus's rifter blown to pieces I began to fire upon the punisher to redeem my corpmates loss, but little did I know a Myrmidon warped in and began firing upon me, apparently they didn't know how to scramb so I got out without much damage to my ship. So that being said, I gave my corp mate a few fits that I personally have had alot of luck with. So until next time Desimus Maximus; keep up the good work!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cursed. Corp has been formed!

     Well, I'm sure you all saw it coming. The corp "Cursed." has been formed, and is accepting members of ALL walks of life. We need PVP pilots for roams, pvp, mission running, war decing, griefing and all that other good PVP fun. We need miners to suck the belts dry for those precious ores and maxed out refining pilots to get the highest outcome of minerals from them. We need Indy pilots for hauling, PI, Cap building & ship, fitting building in general. Researchers to get us better yields from BPC's and BPO's. Like i said, we need EVERYONE! So please, if your looking for a corp, or not liking the corp your in feel free to drop me a line ingame via. Convo or eveMail. Also, the rumor mill has it that we are working on joining Fatal Ascension!

Fly safe,
Cursed. C.E.O.
Ashleigh Evans